SSL Certificates

 What Is SSL 

The SSL protocol is the web standard for encrypting communications between users and SSL e-commerce sites. Data sent via a SSL connection is protected by encryption, a mechanism that prevents eavesdropping and tampering with any transmitted data. SSL provides businesses and consumers with the confidence that private data sent to a web site, such as credit card numbers, are kept confidential. SSL Certificates are required to initialise an SSL session.

Customers know when they have an SSL session when their browser displays the little green padlock and the address bar begins with a https rather than http. SSL Certificates can be used on web servers for internet security and mail servers such as IMAP, POP3 and SMTP for mail collection / sending security.

128/256 Bit SSL Certificates are usually used to protect information whilst it is being entered into an online form, securing e-mail, servers and ftp.

 What Is A Wildcard Certificate 

Our wildcard certificates are can be used to secure multiple sub domains on a single domain name. Wildcard allows web sites to conduct secure e-commerce with an encrypted SSL connection, at a much lower cost of other wildcard providers.

 What Is a Multi-Domain Certificate 

Multi Domain Certificate can provide SSL-secured communications for multiple domains and multiple host names making application server implementation and administration easier and more flexible than ever before.

 What Is A Single Root SSL Certificate 

Some Certification Authorities do not have a Trusted Root CA certificate present in browsers, therefore they need a chained root in order for their certificates to be trusted - essentially a CA with a Trusted Root CA certificate issues a chained certificate which inherits the browser recognition of the Trusted Root CA. These SSL certificates are known as chained root SSL certificates.

Most SSL Certificates are issued by Certification Authorities who own and use their own Trusted Root CA Certificates. Some newer SSL Certificates (such as Extended Validation SSL Certificates) may contain a Chained Certificate, however we will only provide Chained Certificates when the Certification Authority owns the Root Certificate associated with it.

 What Is The Warranty 

The warranty protects the end user if an SSL Certificate is mis-issued (issued to a third party that was not entitled to the SSL Certificate).

It is worth noting that other SSL Certificate providers may use warranty as a means of adding an increased perceived value to their product offerings. Other providers typically offer the same SSL Certificates that we provide, with the exception of higher warranties and higher retail SSL Certificate prices.

We recommend only purchasing SSL Certificates which include a warranty. we only provide SSL Certificates that contain warranties and issued by reputable suppliers.

Some SSL Certificate issuers have weak validation methods and do not offer any type of warranty. We do not recommend purchasing an SSL Certificate that does not include a warranty.

NetSure® Protection Plan
NetSure® protection plans are provided by Symantec® to protect SSL Certificate holders against certain losses resulting from breaches of the Certificate Authority.

The NetSure® protection plans cover up to the amount of the warranty included in respect to the specific SSL Certificate product being purchased. The warranty amounts differ between products and is shown on the relevant product information pages.


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